The Journey Begins


For so long, all I’ve wanted is a fresh start.
So here I am.
A completely fresh, clean slate.

Where do I begin?

Well, hello 🙂

I’m a 25 year old lost soul going by the name of Nicole.
I’m a graduate of French as of 2015.
I have no clue what I want to do as a career, and I’m currently unemployed.
I’m based in the UK.
My other half lives….. abroad.
It is what it is.
I kinda like taking photos of stuff.
I kinda like the internet.
Playing games.
Pretty landscapes.
Dogs. I kinda love dogs.

Why am I blogging?
There’s no real aim to it, honestly.
I’m an introvert and as such, I’ve always found it extremely difficult to socialise and make friends in real life. I just wanted to create a space where I could express myself freely, with the opportunity to speak with like-minded people.

But “Static Whirlwind” makes no sense.
It makes no sense, but so much sense at the same time. It describes me.
My mind is a whirlwind of thoughts constantly going 100mph, yet I’m going nowhere.

Hopefully a little writing will help me gain enough clarity to unlock some doors; get rid of the “static” and let me take the world by storm.

So hi!
Thanks for reading, if you made it this far.
Welcome to the calm before the storm.


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